Hmmmmm, Who am I?

Where do I start?  I am a 47 year old woman.  I reside in my native state of Colorado.  I was born in Longmont, Colorado and lived there with my mom and dad the first 3 years of my life.  We lived next door to my aunt Lucy and uncle Andy.  My aunt tells me first thing in the morning she would hear a little tap, tap, tap on her door to look out and see no one there.  She would then open the door to find me with my big ‘ole brown eyes, and little hand reaching out saying “cookie please”.  My dad is from Longmont, and my mother was raised in Erie, Colorado.  My dad would work 2 to 3 jobs he and mom decided they wanted mom to be with the kids, and work when the kids all start school.  I was the oldest, mom was pregnant with my sister when dad was able to buy our first home in Erie, Colorado.  Our home was down the alley from my grandparents Albert and Dolores Brizal.  My mom was the oldest girl in her family and her youngest sister Carol is only 2 1/2 years older than I am.  She was then and is now more like an older sister than my aunt.  My sister Barbara was a breach baby, not sure what that means, but I do know my baby sister never got to crawl much less walk the first three years of her life.  And of course the 3rd time is a charm mom and dad finally got the son they wanted my little brother Michael.    So this is the start of my story.


I am currently an unemployed, disabled veteran, I have a double major BS degree in Behavioral Science with a Criminal Justice emphasis and Sociology.  In 2006 I was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder due to Military Sexual Trauma experienced while I served my country in the U.S. Army.  I’ve begun this blog while going through some intense therapy through the VA in hopes to make myself whole, happy and successful.  My mind for some reason has pretty much blocked out my first 17 years of life.  I have recently taken the responsibility of preparing and planning my high school class of 1982 30th reunion this year.  So what the heck I shall try and document my life the best I can.  C U tomorrow.  Corky in Colorado.

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